Just half an hour ago, I was driving on my way to work. In front of me there was a truck. Suddenly I heard something breaking, looked up in the mirror and saw nothing...
Thought maybe it's something on the sidewalk... When I looked over there, I found a parking car's mirror torn to the other side with the mirror broken...
At this second, I knew that the truck hit and broke the mirror... I kept on beeping, knowing that the driver knew what he did !!!
He just ran a bit faster as if nothing happened...
What would you do if you were in my place, knowing that the truck had no numbers yet (wasn't licensed!!!)
I thought, afterwards (while it was too late), to take the porter, who also kept yelling at the truck and drive him to fight with the truck driver... but that was very too late :( !!!
Strangely, today morning too, the car infront of me opens the window, throws a scrambled paper and then closes the window, as if it's a very normal behavior !!! grrr